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Choral Repertoire

Ave Maria (SATB, a cappella)

Baby, It's Cold Outside (TTBB arrangement, piano)

Christ Triumphant (SATB, organ/piano)

Evening Service in B Minor (Treble voices, organ)

Go Tell It (TTBB, piano)

Holy, Holy, Holy (SATB, piano)

Lenten Introits (SATB, a cappella)

Light a Candle (SSAATTBB, piano)

May all I Say (SATB, a cappella)

Of Man's First Disobedience (SATB, Tenor solo, organ)

On the Morning of Christ's Nativity (SATB, a cappella)

St. Alban's Service, Preces and Responses (SATB, a cappella)

St. Bartholomew's Service, Preces and Responses (SATB, a cappella)

The Faithful Swallow (SATB, piano)

The People's Song (TTBB arrangement, piano)

The Time is Fulfilled (SATB, Organ)

Three Christmas Carols (SATB, a cappella)

Church Song Sheets


A Spring Lament (Piano)

Royal Westminster (Orchestra)

The Archangels (Organ)

The Springbrook (Orchestra)

Masterworks/Larger Works

David and Goliath, an Oratorio (SATB, Orchestra)

Good Night: A Requiem (SATB, Orchestra)

Mass in E Minor (SATB, Orchestra) *In progress

Media Vita (SSAATTBB, Orchestra)

Precious Stones (Solo Piano Suite) *In progress

ReGeneration Mass: Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus/Benedictus, Lord's Prayer, Agnus Dei (Lead Sheet)

The New American Psalter: Psalms for Modern Liturgical Use (SATB, Piano)


Dramatic Works

Robin Hood

The Wind in the Willows

1837: The Farmer's Revolt


Grimly Handsome


Please contact for perusal scores and/or performance rights.

Stage Curtains

© 2022, John-Luke Addison

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